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Our Services

What We Do

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Auditing & Other Related Services

STATUTORY AUDIT: Our Audit services help corporate clients in fulfilling the statutory requirements as to the independent examination of accounts and records to ascertain whether they express a true and fair view of the entity’s financial position.
The audited financial statements satisfy several needs of users, which include the Government for tax purposes; the general public to guide in investment decisions; the financial institutions to guide them in offering financial assistance; the shareholders to ascertain the performance of the entity etc.
VALUE FOR MONEY AUDIT: We also offer Value for Money Audit (VFM) which is a new concept in audit. It goes beyond the statutory audit as it tries to examine vital areas, which are not in the confine of the statutory audit. It covers other areas such as staff, stock, fixed assets, resources (financial and otherwise) etc. The beauty of the VFM audit is that it emphasizes efficiency, effectiveness and economy.
FORENSIC AUDIT: We also offer Forensic Audit (FA) which is the examination and evaluation of a firm’s or individual’s financial information for use as evidence in court. It is the application of accounting methods for detection gathering evidence of frauds, embezzlement, or any other such white-collar crimes. It is the application of accounting skills to legal questions.

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Tax Audit & Revenue Monitoring Services

Tax evasion has become prevalent among the taxpayers without minding the legal consequence and the negative effect on internally generated revenue. This has partly led to the enlistment of Revenue Consultants in collaboration with the staff of the Board of Internal Revenue to correct the prevailing lapses.
As Tax Consultant, we have adequate knowledge of various means adopted by some taxpayers to evade tax. Some of these are:
 Non registration with the Board of Revenue Services
 Non remittance of deducted tax (PAYE or WHT)
 Delayed remittances
 Under declaration of income with resultant under deduction and remittance of taxes.
 Rendition of false statements/records.
 Non filing of annual returns Etc
Our target is to professionally correct all of the irregularities which will culminate into improved revenue base.
• Registration of companies for Value Added Tax purpose.
• Preparation and rendering of VAT returns on behalf of our clients.
• VAT Planning.

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Companies Income Tax Services

• Rendering of tax advisory services to companies on tax planning through a careful review of the operational activities and installation of a tax efficient procedure.
• Prepare and render returns to the Revenue Office on behalf of client.
• Obtaining notices of assessment from the Revenue, filing objections where necessary, agreeing accounts with the Revenue Office and negotiating a flexible payment term for agreed liability.
• Handling of all correspondences with the Tax Office on behalf of our clients.
• Obtaining Tax Clearance Certificate from the Revenue Office.

Personal Income Tax Services

In view of the emergence of a strict regime in the implementation of the provisions of Personal Income Tax Act 104 of 1993 as amended, our firm has positioned itself to render an efficient and effective service to our clients in the areas of Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE), Withholding Taxes (WHT) and other Government levies. Specific services in this area include:
Pre-tax audit inspection- where we set out to establish the tax liability of our client prior to the arrival of the Board of Internal Revenue staff for similar exercise. This is done with a view to advising our client on how such ascertained liability could be managed without breaching the tax law.
In view of the emergence of a strict regime in the implementation of the provisions of Personal Income Tax Act 104 of 1993 as amended, our firm has positioned itself to render an efficient and effective service to our clients in the areas of Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE), Withholding Taxes (WHT) and other Government levies. Specific services in this area include:
Pre-tax audit inspection- where we set out to establish the tax liability of our client prior to the arrival of the Board of Internal Revenue staff for similar exercise. This is done with a view to advising our client on how such ascertained liability could be managed without breaching the tax law.

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Finance/Advisory Services

This service is aimed at ensuring that our clients have accurate and complete accounting records that are capable of providing management with vital information by contracting it to us.
This service is focused at businesses with small structures, which might make them financially unwise to secure on a permanent basis, the right level of professionals and resources to carry out this function in an efficient manner.
It is our belief that irrespective of size, our client should have the appropriate level of expertise for its accounting functions.

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Data Protection Compliance Organisation


To render the following services on behalf of NITDA aimed at ensuring compliance with this regulation or any Foreign Data Protection Law or Regulation having effect in Nigeria.
1) Training;
2) Auditing;
3) Consulting;
4) Rendering other Services and Products in compliance with the regulation.


Special Services

 Obtaining of Acceptance Certificate on capital expenditure from the Ministry of Industries
 Obtaining of Pioneer Status Certificate.
 Establishing and monitoring control processes and ensuring compliance.
 Training
We appreciate the importance of continuous education of personnel to keep them abreast of the ever-dynamic business world. We make use of modern training techniques and aid to maximize the benefits to the personnel and reduce to the bare minimum the usual classroom boredom.
Our training and development services include:
 In house training
 Seminars and conferences
 Workshops
 Reconciliation of Accounts
Our reconciliation assignment has a very wide coverage, both in private and public accounts, inter branch accounts, etc.
This service helps our clients to uncover any outstanding difference in account balances between the Head office and branches, organization and banks, clients’ ledger balances and customers’ balances, assets ledger balances and physical assets and where necessary call for timely investigation.

Lab Analysis

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