About Us
UMUGHELE KAGHOR & CO (Chartered Accountants) is an indigenous firm of Chartered Accountants and Tax Practitioner.
The firm, in affiliation with A.U. PREMIUM PLUS & CO. (Chartered Accountants, Tax & IT Consultants) and Ascama Tax Advocacy & Consultancy Ltd offers a wide range of services, which include Statutory Auditing, Financial/Accounting services, Value For Money Audit, Forensic Auditing, Tax and Management Consulting, Training etc. to clients in various sectors of the economy.
Our practice is adequately staffed with young, dynamic, competent and well-qualified Nigerians who have acquired quality professional training and first class experiences. Our staff have been exposed to business information in the global market with special understanding of the Nigerian business environment.
- Experienced Professionals
- Self-discipline and Transparency
- Respect for our clients